Ashmead Primary School

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The school day

Our school day runs from 9.00am until 3.30pm.

This is 32.5 hours per week (plus an extra 25 minutes with the soft start). 

We have a ‘soft start’ from 8.55am when children can enter the school premises (through the playground via either the Ashmead Road or Lewisham Way entrances) so they are ready to start the school day promptly at 9am.

We aim for all children to be on the premises (and ideally in their classrooms) for register at 9am. Anyone arriving past 8.59 and 59 seconds is considered late!

These are the typical daily timetables for each phase:

EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) – Nursery and Reception

8.55: Children enter school and go straight to class.
9.00: Morning register is taken followed by a taught ‘carpet’ session, daily reading session (in Reception) and then free flow continuous provision/play based learning.
11.15: Tidy up time and another carpet session with teacher before lunch.
11.45: Reception go to lunch in dinner hall then out to the playground for lunchtime play.
12.00: Morning nursery children leave and full-time nursery children have lunch in class.
12.30: Afternoon nursery children arrive.
12.45: Reception children go back to class for afternoon carpet session followed by free flow continuous provision/play based learning.
2.45: Tidy up for end of day followed by a final carpet or story session before going home.
3.30: End of school day.

Key Stage One – Year 1 and Year 2

8.55: Children enter school and go straight to class.
9.00: Morning register is taken followed by a daily reading session, handwriting or spelling and a maths or literacy lesson.
10.15: KS1 break
10.30: KS1 assembly
10.45: A maths or literacy session followed by free flow continuous provision/play based learning.
12.00: KS1 lunch break – lunch in the hall and play in the playground.
1.00: KS1 children go back to class for afternoon carpet session followed by free flow continuous provision/play based learning.
2.45: Tidy up for end of day followed by a final carpet or story session before going home.
3.30: End of school day.

Key Stage Two – Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

8.55: Children enter school and go straight to class.
9.00: Morning register is taken followed by ‘early work’, e.g. handwriting, spelling or times table practice before assembly
9.15: KS2 assembly
9.30: Back to class for a maths/literacy lesson.
10.35: KS1 break
10.50: Back to class for a literacy/maths lesson.
12.15: KS2 lunch break – lunch in the hall and play in the playground.
1.15: KS2 children go back to class for foundation lessons, e.g. history, geography, art etc
3.00: Tidy up for end of day followed by a story session before going home.
3.30: End of school day.

Extended Day

We offer an extended day from 8am – 6pm. Our Breakfast Club is bookable via Arbor and must be booked at least 24 hours in advance, the current cost for this is £5 for 8am – 8.55am. Our after school care is provided by Teachsport and runs from the end of the school day (3.30pm). There are two options, a ‘short’ session until 4.30pm and a ‘full’ session until 6pm. The cost for the short session is £6 and the full session is £15.

As well as after school care we also offer a number of enrichment clubs, these might be sports based or based on children’s other current interests. See below for the present enrichment offer (clubs are subject to change depending on availability of staff and children’s interests). Enrichment clubs are currently £6 per session, see club information each term about free places for children/families entitled to Pupil Premium or Universal Credit.


Before school

After school


Breakfast Club: Reception – Y6

Football (Y2)


 Teachsport After School Care
(Reception – Y6)


Breakfast Club: Reception – Y6


Hockey Club (Y3 – Y6)

        Mindful Movers / Yoga         (Y3 - Y6)


 Football (Y3 – Y4)


 Art (different year groups)


 Gardening (different year groups)


 Guitar (Y5 – Y6)


 Teachsport After School Care
(Reception – Y6)


Breakfast Club: Reception – Y6

Gymnastics (Y1 – Y2)


 Chess (different year groups)


 Football (Y5 – Y6)


 Teachsport After School Care
(Reception – Y6)


Breakfast Club: Reception – Y6

Mindful Movers / Yoga (Y1 - Y2)


 Gymnastics (Y3 – Y6)


 Choir (Y4 – Y6)


Cookery (Y4 - Y6)


 Teachsport After School Care
(Reception – Y6)


Breakfast Club: Reception – Y6

Make Club (Y1 and Y2)


 Dance (Y2 – Y6)


Girls' Football (Y5 and Y6)


 Teachsport After School Care
(Reception – Y6)