Ashmead Primary School

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Wellbeing and Mental Health

Supporting children’s mental health and well-being is a priority at Ashmead. Our whole approach to managing children’s behaviour has this at its core - we prioritise the clarity of our behaviour expectations, building positive relationships with children and being calm and consistent adults. This creates a calm and predictable environment for children, making it easier for them to make good choices but more importantly providing a safe and secure environment for them.

We specifically look at mental health in assemblies throughout the year, e.g. during Mental Health week. We will discuss what mental health is, how it is linked to our physical health and how children might build resilience.

Relationships are absolutely crucial to mental health and children are supported with these in many ways. Our RSHE (relationships, sex and health education) curriculum helps children understand key relationships such as families and friendship groups and how to manage issues that can arise, especially with friends.

We want children to develop self-respect, confidence and resilience and our curriculum and ethos strongly supports these aims. All of these aims are correlated with better mental health.