Ashmead Primary School

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Year 5 - Aspen and Juniper classes

Bridget Ashby teaches Aspen class and Stacy Gros-Desirs teaches Juniper class.

Each half term a ‘Knowledge Organiser’ is sent out detailing the key knowledge that will be covered that term (linked to a central topic) and a ‘Curriculum Overview’ showing what will be taught in each National Curriculum subject.

Over the year Y5 will be studying these topics:

Autumn 1: Benin Kingdom
Autumn 2: Global Inequality
Spring 1: Tudors and Stuarts
Spring 2: Biomes
Summer 1: British Empire
Summer 2: Energy and Sustainability

The current Y5 Knowledge Organiser and Curriculum Overview link to the topic of Tudors and Stuarts and are here:


y5 co biomes.pdf


y5 spring 2 ko biomes.pdf




There’s a ‘Welcome to Year Five’ video that can be accessed via your child’s Seesaw account. If you need help logging on to Seesaw please see the class teacher.

These are some recommended books for Y5:

We also have lots of great books in our class and school library, just ask and we will recommend one!

We have also had parent workshops about home learning:

y5 home learning.pdf